Foundation for Inner Peace Frequently Asked Questions

Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #1 (
The Foundation for Inner Peace is the original publisher of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and the only organization designated by the scribe, Dr. Helen Schuman, to “publish, distribute and discuss” the Course. Foundation for Inner Peace is a public charity. We have published the authorized edition of A Course in Miracles since 1975. The Foundation currently publishes and distributes the following books and materials. See the Foundation IP store for details.

The third edition of A Course in Miracles (Combined Volume) which contains:

    • Preface
    • Text
    • Workbook for Students
    • Manual for Teachers
    • Clarification of Terms
    • “Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice.”
    • “The Song of Prayer: Prayer, Forgiveness, Healing”
    • A comprehensive numbering system for easy referencing
    • Over two dozen translations of the Course
    • E-books of the Course in English and other languages
    • The Gifts of God, a collection of inspired poetry by Helen Schucman
    • MP3 Audio recordings of the entire Course on CD and USB Flash Drive
    • Apple and Android Workbook Lesson Apps with reminders
    • A Daily Lessons page on our website with the Workbook lessons in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish
    • CDs: ACIM excerpts Read by Bill Thetford and Gerald Jampolsky, Readings from A Course in Miracles, What It Says
    • DVDs: The Cave Vision, Memories of Helen & Bill, Rare Interview with Helen Schucman, Recollections About Dr. Helen Schucman, What It Says
    • A comprehensive ACIM search program (EACIM)

Other related materials, such as:

    • Journey Without Distance by Robert Skutch
    • The Story of A Course in Miracles (DVD video)
    • Choose Once Again, Selections from A Course in Miracles in blank verse form, compiled by Dr. William Thetford
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #2 (
A Course in Miracles is a universal, metaphysical, self-study program of spiritual psychology. Its goal is to awaken us to the truth of our oneness with God by removing the obstacles that block our awareness of love’s presence, which is our natural inheritance from God. The Course uses Christian terminology to express this idea, teaching that we are nothing less than “the Son of God.” To quote the Course, “God is but Love, and therefore so am I.” You and God are one because you share the same essence: Love. The obstacles that block us from knowing God and Love are many and the Course’s curriculum is designed to undo them in a highly individualized manner under the direction of our Inner Teacher, the Holy Spirit, whose gentle, caring help is always available whenever we make the decision to ask for it.A Course in Miracles is not intended as the basis of a religion or a cult. Nor does it claim to be the only path back to God. It is a self-study program that requires nothing more of us than a willingness to learn and practice its ideas. Its goal is neither worship nor intellectual understanding, but the living experience of our oneness with God and all human beings. Once this is achieved, we experience a pervasive sense of peace that’s unaffected by external circumstances, what the Course calls “the happy dream.”
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #3 (
A Course in Miracles began with the sudden decision of two people to join in a common goal. Their names were Helen Schucman and William Thetford, Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. They were anything but spiritual. Their relationship with each other was difficult and often strained and they were concerned with personal and professional acceptance and status. In general, they had considerable investment in the values of the world. Their lives were hardly in accord with anything that the Course advocates. Helen, the one who received the material through a process of inner dictation, describes herself as follows:

“Psychologist, educator, conservative in theory and atheistic in belief, I was working in a prestigious and highly academic setting. And then something happened that triggered a chain of events I could never have predicted. The head of my department unexpectedly announced that he was tired of the angry and aggressive feelings our attitudes reflected, and concluded that, ‘there must be another way.’ As if on cue I agreed to help him find it. Apparently this Course is the other way.”

Although their intention was serious, they had great difficulty in starting out on their joint venture. But they had given the Holy Spirit the “little willingness” that, as the Course itself was to emphasize, again and again, is sufficient to enable Him to use any situation for His purposes and provide it with His power. To continue Helen’s first-person account:

“Three startling months preceded the actual writing, during which time Bill suggested that I write down the highly symbolic dreams and descriptions of the strange images that were coming to me. Although I had grown more accustomed to the unexpected by that time, I was still very surprised when I wrote, “This is a course in miracles.” That was my introduction to the Voice. It made no sound, but seemed to be giving me a kind of rapid, inner dictation, which I took down in a shorthand notebook. The writing was never automatic. It could be interrupted at any time and later picked up again. It made me very uncomfortable, but it never seriously occurred to me to stop. It seemed to be a special assignment I had somehow, somewhere agreed to complete. It represented a truly collaborative venture between Bill and myself, and much of its significance, I am sure, lies in that. I would take down what the Voice “said” and read it to him the next day, and he typed it from my dictation. I expect he had his special assignment, too. Without his encouragement and support I would never have been able to fulfill mine. The whole process took about seven years. The Text came first, then the Workbook for Students, and finally the Manual for Teachers. Chapter titles and subheadings have been inserted in the Text, and some of the more personal references that occurred at the beginning have been omitted. Otherwise, the material is substantially unchanged.”

The names of the collaborators in the recording of the Course do not appear on the cover because the Course can and should stand on its own. It is not intended to become the basis for another religion or cult.
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #4 A Course in Miracles is intended to be a comprehensive self-study program, which is why it includes a Text, Workbook for Students and Manual for Teachers. Although there are now many conferences, teachers, workshops, and study groups available to support students, none of these is required to study the Course. In fact, A Course in Miracles says very little about how it should be studied, other than the instructions given in the Introduction to the Workbook for Students. The Text lays out the philosophy and metaphysics of the Course and provides the foundation for what follows in the Workbook lessons. Some students prefer to start at the beginning of the Text and read through at their own pace; others browse the Text and read where they feel guided. Some find the Text too difficult or abstract initially; for them, the Workbook or Manual for Teachers may prove to be a better place to begin. Only in the Workbook does order matter. The lessons should be practiced in sequence and at a rate of no more than one per day. Perhaps most important of all, the Course encourages you–again and again–to identify and follow your Inner Teacher by asking for guidance. This can be as simple as closing your eyes and requesting clarification or direction or silently asking for help. The answer may come to you through a creative idea, a casual conversation with a friend, something you “happen to” read or hear about, an unexpected coincidence, or perhaps even a passage from the Course itself that jumps out at you. To the extent that you are willing to hear, an answer will be given. Remember, your Inner Teacher is always present, patiently waiting to help. With such guidance, you are certain to succeed, no matter how or where you begin, and no matter what obstacles may arise.
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #5 (
No, there is no exact correspondence between chapters in the Text and lessons in the Workbook. The structure of the Text is more akin to that of a symphony than a traditional textbook where the subject matter progresses in order of difficulty. The Text’s major themes and sub-themes arise and subside, fade and then resurface in slightly different variations throughout. Therefore, sections, paragraphs, and even individual passages could correspond to many different lessons or parts of lessons, and vice-versa. This turns out to be a very effective means of teaching because it sidesteps the ego with its predilection for opposition and debate.
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #6 (
The line numbers are a method of reference. Paragraphs and sentences within paragraphs are numbered with superscripts to help students reference specific sections or passages quickly and easily, no matter which edition or format of A Course in Miracles they happen to be using. This same numbering system also holds true for the many translations of the Course, allowing for cross-referencing of passages between different languages.
The ACIM Annotation System of A Course in Miracles provides a method for students of the Course to reference a specific passage within the Course and its Supplements. Here is an example:

“You will first dream of peace, and then awaken to it.” (T-13.VII.9:1)

T = Text

13 = Chapter 13

VII = Section

VII (of Chapter 13)

9 = Paragraph 9 (in Section VII)

1 = Line 1 (of Paragraph 9)

Another example:

“We say ‘God is,’ and then we cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless.” (W-pI.169.5:4)

W = Workbook

pI = part I (of the Workbook)

169 = Lesson 169

5 = Paragraph 5

4 = Line 4 (of Paragraph 5)

Another example:

“Forgiveness is the final goal of the curriculum.” (M-4.X.2:9)

M = Manual for Teachers

4 = Section 4

X = Part X (of Section 4)

2 = Paragraph 2 (of Part X)

9 = Line 9 (of Paragraph 2)

Additional abbreviations:

In = introduction(s)

r = Review (workbook)

FL = Final Lessons (workbook)

C = Clarification of Terms (in the Manual for Teachers)

Ep = Epilogues (end of Workbok and Clarification of Terms)

P = Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice

S = The Song of Prayer

Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #7 (
You may find it comforting to know that you are not the only one who has experienced frustration with the Course‘s language. There are several reasons why students may find the Course difficult. First, it is a direct challenge to the ego and its thought system. The ego retaliates by attempting to distort, change, or outright reject the meaning of the Course at all levels including its language. Second, much of A Course in Miracles is written in blank verse, a meter known as iambic pentameter, often found in the work of William Shakespeare. As a result, the form of the language is more poetic, but at times might seem more difficult to understand.
Third, the Course uses Christian language which can be challenging for some people. Its scribe, Dr. Helen Schucman, explained that she was specifically instructed to use Christian language because the Course is a restatement of Christianity and its principles. Therefore, the Course gives new meaning to traditional Christian words such as forgiveness, Atonement, sin, Christ, salvation, creation, and, of course, miracles. Perhaps most importantly, the Course was not designed to be breezed through and comprehended in one reading. Built into its very structure is the necessity to linger, to question, to dive beneath the surface, to wrestle with language and meaning, and then return and read it yet again. The Course is not learned by the intellect alone. Indeed, it speaks to the deepest place of knowing in us, to the part of the mind that has always felt that there must be “something more,” the part that longs for peace, for true connection, for Home. Its Author understands our longing and our resistance, and patiently, steadily, leads us along a seemingly meandering path which continually doubles back on itself, so that what was previously seen as a trail strewn with obstacles is in time recognized as the sure, smooth path to peace. The worldview taught by the Course is quite radical. It challenges all of our usual assumptions about who we are and why we’re here. It takes time, willingness and practice for these teachings to begin to take root in our minds and hearts. Therefore, despite the difficulty you may be having, we strongly encourage you to persevere.
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #8 ( An Inner Voice dictated this material to Dr. Helen Schucman and she took it down faithfully. When she asked the “Voice” why the masculine gender was used throughout, the reply she received was that this Course is a reinterpretation of Christianity, and to correct an error it is important that the same language be used. Therefore, the Course follows the patriarchal Judeo-Christian religious tradition by referring to God and His Creations with masculine pronouns. Although the Course‘s words reflect this tradition, its content is truly and thoroughly gender-neutral because Spirit has no gender. As the Course itself states, “This Course remains within the ego framework, where it is needed… It uses words, which are symbolic, and cannot express what lies beyond symbols.” (C.In.3:1,3) Many students have objected to the Course‘s use of masculine terms and pronouns. A few have opted to substitute “she” for “he” or render all terms gender-neutral. We ask that students keep in mind that the Course‘s teaching represents a direct threat to the ego, which will attempt to defend itself by pointing out any number of possible objections to the Course and its ideas in hopes of dissuading us from studying it. Furthermore, if we are not bodies but spirit (as the Course reminds us frequently), then how does a category like gender ultimately matter? Will focusing on it prove helpful in any way to our acceptance of the Atonement and our awakening from the dream of separation? Perhaps then the best way to deal with the Course‘s patriarchal language is to ask the Holy Spirit for help in seeing it as yet another opportunity to release our judgments and practice forgiveness.
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #16 (
The Foundation for Inner Peace has never trained, certified or authorized any teachers, counselors, ministers, or group leaders. It is not within our mandate to do so. The Course was scribed as a self-study program and truly needs only one’s Inner Teacher or Guide to help learn it and teach it. There are many opportunities and options available for studying the Course and many who have come forward as self-designated Course teachers and ministers. The Foundation is not in a position to endorse any of them. There is no licensing or credentialing agency to certify Course teachers, even if some make claims to the contrary. Should a particular teacher appeal to you, then by all means feel free to learn from them. But do not lose sight of the only Teacher you really need, the One who will guide you consistently, directly and intimately, and Who lives within you. The Course makes clear that we are all both students and teachers. The only criterion for becoming a teacher is completion of the Workbook lessons. The Course does not advocate for official titles of any kind. Indeed, these would merely introduce an element of hierarchy and judgment that runs counter to the Course‘s central message on specialness and could become an obstacle to learning.
Lastly, the Manual for Teachers reminds us that we are all engaged in teaching, all the time, whether we’re aware of it or not. We do so by our example. Which thought system do we choose to live by: the ego’s or the Holy Spirit’s? Whichever we choose, that is what we teach.

“The question is not whether you will teach, for in that there is no choice. The purpose of the Course might be said to provide you with a means of choosing what you want to teach on the basis of what you want to learn.” (M-in.2:4-5)

Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #21 (
The Foundation for Inner Peace  has very active Facebook pages. We have a great group of people who share their experiences with the Course, with lots of stimulating questions and answers. Do join us:
A Course in Miracles – Foundation for Inner Peace A Course in Miracles Around the World FIP Discussion Group ACIM FIP Group We also have YouTube and Vimeo channels.
Spanish translation adapted from Q&A #22 (
Yes, your donation is most welcome and will help to support us in carrying out our work on behalf of the Course. This includes covering the costs of printing and distribution, new translations and revisions, producing high-quality audiobooks and apps, developing other new products, and providing scholarship copies of the Course where needed. We accept major credit cards and PayPal. The Foundation for Inner Peace is a 501(c)(3) public charity and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. Donate here.

Our Own Frequently Asked Questions

Let us highlight some ideas from UCDM, simply because they inspire what we do. They are in no specific order:

♥ Teach:  To teach is to demonstrate (M-in.2).  Not defined in the same way the world uses it.

♥ Teacher:   Everything I think or say or do teaches all the universe. (W-54.4.3). We are all teachers and learning all the time. We do not call "teachers" to refer to brothers who freely have chosen to be UCDM public personalities.

♥ Give:   Everything I give I give myself. (W-297.1.2). 

♥ Just do it:   Each contains the whole curriculum if understood, practiced, accepted, and applied to all the seeming happenings throughout the day. ( Bill did it. We feel great admiration towards students who, simply try to apply UCDM to everyone, everything, every time, in whatever circumstance they find themselves.

♥ UCDM, a self-study course, and its value proposal is Inner Peace.  Our hearts, our minds are joined with those who just do it, and freely may choose not to become an ACIM public personality. 

Rituals are not our aim, and would defeat our goal. (  Your holiness is the salvation of the world. It lets you teach the world that it is one with you, not by preaching to it, not by telling it anything, but merely by your quiet recognition that in your holiness are all things blessed along with you. (W37.3.2). UCDM, "it is not intended to become the basis for another cult." (Helen, Preface, How it Came).  Community: this word is not found within UCDM.

♥ Keep it simple:  The course is simple. (C-In.3.8)

♥ Our Leader: More important than that though,  Bill said, is the fact that this material stands completely on its own. It doesn´t need any personalities connected with it. There are enough personality cults around already and this Course doesn’t need to be the basis for another one. Helen and I don’t feel we can represent this material since we don’t adequately demonstrate it. (To teach is to demonstrate. M-in.2.1).  As you’ll see, Judy, the material is a self-study course, and Helen and I are no more than students.” (Quote from Journey withouth distance by Robert Skutch).

It is a corporation registered in Colombia, intended to serve UCDM to Spanish Speakers. Today it is run by Lilliam Mora (Operations) and Alberto Mendoza (Manager).
We are here to be truly helpful, serving as a bridge in Spanish language, between UCDM Students and the Foundation for Inner Peace in California, the publisher of A course in Miracles. We aim to reach out to the many Students of Un Curso de Milagros (UCDM) in LatinAmerica and Spain, to engage and listen their ideas about how to extend UCDM. We happily perform this assignment as it is limited to UCDM and that alone.
As the Spanish voice for the Foundation for Inner Peace, we aim to serve as a bridge between the Foundation for Inner Peace and UCDM Students in Latin America and Spain.
The Foundation for Inner Peace and POG are totally independent corporations. Formal agreements are in place granting POG the right to perform specific assignments. The Foundation for Inner Peace disclaims any and all legal liability for actions or positions taken by POG.
To preserve the integrity of Un Curso de Milagros.